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Demoliran automobil Društva za zaštitu i proučavanje ptica Srbije

U subotu 11. septembra oko 22 časa na parkingu u Novom Sadu razbijeno je staklo na našem terenskom automobilu. Očevici navode da su videli dve maskirane muške osobe koje su palicama razbile staklo i potom pobegle. Nije bilo provala ili oštećenja drugih vozila na ovom niti susednim parkinzima. Policija je narednog jutra uradila uviđaj i prikupila dokaze i izjave.

Imamo razloga da verujemo da ovaj kukavički napad ima veze sa našom beskompromisnom borbom protiv krivolova ptica. Institucije pozivamo da hitno reaguju i pronađu počinioce, te da nam garantuju bezbednost. Ovakvi i slični napadi neće nas sprečiti da se borimo za dobrobit ptica, prirode i ljudi.

Podrži nas! Učlani se u Društvo za zaštitu i proučavanje ptica Srbije. OVDE saznaj kako se možeš učlaniti.

Field vehicle of the Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia demolished

On Saturday, September 11, at around 10 pm, the rear windshield on our off-road vehicle was broken in the parking lot in Novi Sad. Eyewitnesses state that they saw two masked men who broke the glass with baseball bats and then fled. There were no burglaries or damage to other vehicles in this or neighboring parking lots. The next morning, the police conducted an investigation and collected evidence and statements. 

We have reason to believe that this cowardly attack has something to do with our uncompromising fight against bird crimes. We call on the institutions to react urgently and find the perpetrators, and to guarantee our safety. Such and similar attacks will not prevent us from fighting for the welfare of birds, nature and people.

Support us. Become a member of the Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia. Discover how to become a member HERE.

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